So as it turned out, I was unable to make it out to Bellingham, Washington to attend the 2016 Ozma Awards Ceremony and Chanticleer Author’s Conference (life and stuff got in the way, sadly). The Fine Print. & Projected announcement dates. Prizes may also include donations from contest sponsors.Your book may also be seen and noticed by agents, publishers, Hollywood producers, and others within the publishing and entertainment industry who see our contests as a way to spot new and upcoming talent and original story ideas.We like to show off our winners in as many ways as we can. Your book may also receive trade show representation as we show off our winners at conferences and trade shows across the US and Internationally.Your winning title’s Chanticleer review published in our Chanticleer Reviews Magazine.Corresponding newsletter announcements to our sizable email list.Corresponding social media announcements of your contest advancements.Your name and book title announced on our high traffic website and email list of thousands at several stages, the farther you go in the competition, the more promotion you will get.In addition to all the ribbons and badges and cash awards we will be showering you with, you will also receive a powerful promotional boost from Chanticleer Reviews, with:

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